28 September 2023

 23/10/2023 - 10/12/2023/Week 9-Week 14

Nur Fariha Binti Mohd Rodzuan/0351242
Interactive Design/Bachelors(Hons) in 
Creative Media 
Final Project Working Single Webpage





Module Information Booklet

Project Requirements:
Artist Selection: Choose your favourite artist as the subject of your website. It can be a musician, painter, actor, or any other creative individual or group. Ensure you have a genuine interest in the artist, as this will help you create a more engaging website.

Your single-page website should include the following sections:
Header with the artist's name and a brief tagline.
Introduction: Provide an overview of the artist's background and why you admire them.
Biography: Include a brief biography or description of the artist's life and career.
Gallery: Showcase images, videos, or other multimedia related to the artist's work.
Contact Information: If applicable, include contact details or links to the artist's social media profiles.

Design Elements:
Choose a colour scheme and fonts that reflect the artist's style or your personal taste.
Ensure a visually appealing layout with a balanced use of text and multimedia.
Create a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes (mobile-friendly).

Navigation: Implement smooth scrolling navigation or a simple menu that allows users to jump to different sections of the page.

Interactivity: Consider adding interactive elements such as image sliders, hover effects, or lightboxes for multimedia content.


1. Choosing an Artist

My initial artist was Rage Against the Machine, a band that I usually listen to as I go to class at 6 am in the morning. But then, I decided to change my artist to Laufey who happened to be my top most-played artist this year. In Addition, I feel that my vibe would suit modern jazz more than a rock band at the moment. Very contrasting type of genres, I listen to all types of song as long as it matches my mood, yes.

Rage Against The Machine

Laufey (chosen artist)

2. Mood Boards:

fig 1 Moodboard on Laufey

In this mood board, I decided to compile pictures and inspiration from a website display that I found on Pinterest that I felt would fit the vibe of my chosen artist. Furthermore, I planned on using earthly colours for her website since her songs are quite mellow in nature, not to mention her new album cover was pretty much earth-tone. 

3. Assets

After I was done structuring the prototype, I decided to collect materials for the picture gallery, as well as make a simple favicon and a simple logo for my chosen artist. I edited the background picture of the landing page in Photoshop.

For the font, I decided to use Bodoni Moda (semi-bold Italic, Regular, Bold). I had a look at Laufey's official page and her overall aesthetic usually uses serif types. So I decided to use a decorative font with different line weights for easy readability. Thank god, I found them in Google Fonts.  

fig 2 Bodoni Moda in Google Fonts

fig 3 Favicon (left) and logo in black and white 

fig 4 Compilation of pictures for the gallery view 

4. HTML Structure:

Full HTML Code

5. Styling HTML with CSS
  • Navigation bar
I wanted to make an elegant landing page with minimal features just like the prototype I made. I put the navigation bar in a <div class="container"> as learned in the previous class and grouped them in the heading section. Furthermore, I also added a smooth scrolling effect so that the navigation bar scrolls down to different parts of the website smoothly.

fig 4 CSS code for making smooth scrolling effect to anchor pages in the same website.

fig 6 Prototype Landing Page in Figma 

fig 7 HTML structure for the navigation bar

fig 8 CSS structure of the navigation bar.

  • Landing Page:
The landing page was really hard for some reason because I needed the picture of the artist to fill up the space and somehow my picture did not look clear. when I put it in CSS. So here's the thing, I made the navigation as well as the whole landing page under a <header> tag (I don't know if this is a good idea), I couldn't think of a way to keep the picture at the particular landing page since I didn't want it to stretch all the way through.

fig 9 Attempt #1 on trying to make the picture stay on the landing page 

I realised that the logo I made did not come through when I typed in the code after so many times, I learned from my peers that I could just put the logo within Photoshop and export it later to make my life easier. 
  • About the Artist Page:
At first, I used the <div class=column> to make two columns, however for some reason it didn't work so I hopped into Blackbox Ai and tried to find a solution to the problem by using <div id="section"> and it worked.

fig 10 HTML code for the about artist page using

fig 11 CSS file on the About Artist page

fig 12 About Artist section in preview

  • Gallery View
Creating the gallery view was not as difficult as making a carousel. I followed through the video tutorial on YouTube.

fig 13 Gallery view and lightbox tutorial

fig 14 Responsive gallery.

fig 15 HTML code for Gallery

fig 16 CSS stylesheet on gallery

There wasn't much issue in making the gallery since I followed the video to a T. However, the gallery view wasn't what I wanted to look like within my prototype. I thought that the compositions were fine and might make it easier for me to change the view to a smaller screen, so I just left it be.

fig 17 Figma gallery view

fig 18 Gallery view within the website after following the tutorial video

After making the gallery, the lightbox required to use of certain Javascript features at the end of the gallery HTML code to make it functional. Fortunately, the gallery result was quite satisfying for me.

fig 19 Lightbox responsive image 

  • Music Album 
I tried creating a carousel to showcase the music album. So I searched through YouTube for a video of the carousel feature. Here are some of the YouTube videos that I referred to:

fig 21 Bootstrap 5 Carousel Multiple Slider.

fig 22 Attempt to create the carousel for the music album

fig 23 The carousel box with the albums side by side

Inserting the music album picture went smoothly, I was able to fix the album pictures by changing the max-width of the wrapper box to 1500px. The real issue began with trying to incorporate javascript features, even after adding the bootstrap link, it wasn't working well. I began thinking that using a carousel wasn't a good choice to showcase only four albums. I looked through the Laufey website and found that she places a compilation of her music in a Spotify playlist. So I wondered if I could do the same for each and every album that I wanted to showcase (and I did).

fig 24 Video on how to add Spotify playlist in HTML 

fig 25 Final Spotify playlist with her albums
  • Adding Favicons:
I remembered changing the line of codes a few times when it wouldn't come out in the preview when my friend broke the news that it only appeared after I uploaded the website into the Netlify app. 

fig 26 HTML code of favicon placed within the head section 

fig 27 Working Favicon!


fig 28 Screengrab of entire website
Final compilation of HTML and CSS code (PDF)


The work was quite an enjoyable journey, I was able to learn a lot about my favourite artist and made a website that could showcase her work. It was a blessing that Sir extended the deadline by one week. I was able to block off some time to finish this assignment as a result. This work involved a great deal of research and Googling. For the whole assignment, my best pals were YouTube and Blackbox AI. Sometimes I would struggle to get the code to work, but once it did, I felt accomplished, which motivated me to keep working on the problem. My only regret is that I did not include the website's carousel features since I struggled to make it.

While going through the tutorial video, it is important to move on to other tutorials if it didn't work for you, I totally learned my lesson because I was adamant about watching the video until the end and tried to make changes to my preferences in the end which is not really a good idea. The overall experience of making a website requires a very long time, therefore never ever procrastinate while doing coding. In conclusion, I feel like I still have so much to learn from coding and especially using javascript since it looks like it plays a huge role in creating responsive websites, not to mention that it uses an unknown integer 'n', I wonder if Javascript requires math skills. I was satisfied with certain parts that I was able to code and make it functional however, with a lot of practice,  could make it even better. It took me quite a long time to understand how to use classes and all the elements since the first class so, I hoped I could further enhance my skills in coding so that I could create more complicated and smooth websites in the future.

